
Contact us

Would you like to know more about the offers and services of Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg, become a client, or ask us about a specific matter?

Ways to get along

A clear relationship based on trust and loyalty

Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg has always been committed to this transparency, by offering you a clear information on its products and services. Despite our constant concern to provide you with the best quality of service, difficulties may arise.

For all products (banking, insurance, financial) and services provided, a single contact person will try to find a solution or direct your request to the person concerned.

Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg undertakes to acknowledge receipt of your complaint and to provide you with an answer as soon as possible.

You can consult our Complaints Management Policy as well as our Personal Data Management Policy available on the Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg website.

Complaints Procedure

They may concern banking and financial products and services, insurance contracts as well as the protection of personal data.

1. In the first place: Your relationship manager

Your complaint should be addressed to your usual contact person, indicating that it is a complaint.

You must specify at least your account number / insurance or capitalization contract; the service covered by the complaint and explain the reason for the complaint in detail.

The Bank will notify you within 10 days of the handling of the complaint, unless the Bank before the expiry of this period has provided a response. This notification will mention the name and contact details of the person in charge of the file if different from your usual contact.

2. In the second place: The "Complaints Department"

If, despite this contact with the bank, you do not get a satisfactory response from your usual contact, you have the option of addressing your complaint directly to:

  • Service Réclamation
    Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg
    7, Boulevard Joseph II
    BP 884
    L-2018 Luxembourg

Contact us

A detailed response will be sent to you within one month of receipt of the complaint by the service.

In the event of a complex resolution resulting in a processing time of more than one month, you will be promptly notified.

3. The authorities

For complaints concerning banking services

If you have not received any response or a satisfactory response from the Bank within one month, you can contact the public mediator in the context of a request for out-of-court resolution.

You must submit your request in written form, by either post, fax or email to the CSSF’s address (contact details available on the CSSF website or via the form published on the CSSF website.

For complaints concerning insurance or capitalization contracts

If you are an individual and you have not not received any response or a satisfactory response from the Bank within one month, you can contact the Commissariat Aux Assurance (CAA) in the context of a request for an out-of-court resolution.

Commissariat Aux Assurances
11 rue Robert Stumper
L-2557 Luxembourg

More information available on the website:

For complaints relating to the Protection of personal data, contact the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données

If you have an unsatisfied complaint relating to your rights of opposition (depending on the legal basis of the processing), access, rectification and erasure on the personal data which you are concerned, you can contact the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données (CNPD).

You must submit your request in written form, by either post to the CNPD’s address (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données, 15 Boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux), by email (contact details available on the CNPD website or via the form published on the CNPD website.

Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données
15 Boulevard du Jazz
L-4370 Belvaux

More information available on the website: